Substitution Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition.. what does it spell.. SAMR! What does it spell? A way to think about using technology in the classroom going from enhancement to transformation! Being introduced too and thinking about SAMR has really shaped the way I think about technology and how it can be used in the classroom from simply substituting in the use of a tech tool to how the technology can actually add to the learning. I am NOT a techie, far from it. I am often one of the last in the class still getting Rich’s help when others are long gone. So I have a lot to learn. As a college instructor, I found technology super helpful to show you tube videos, TED talks etc. that could really enhance the students learning about the topic we were covering. But I realize now that I NEVER used it in a transformative way, expected if you call using D2L transformative, but I wouldn’t.
Thinking about technology from the SAMR perspective makes me think a lot about how I could incorporate technology into my future classroom from task redesign to entirely new tasks. It is quite exciting to think about, and intimidating. I think a first step is for me to get more comfortable with the technology I might use so I can understand its potential uses AND use it. I do not think that means I need to become a techie and be better than my students at it, as that will likely NOT be possible as I am of a far different generation. But to really contemplate how my pedagogy can utilize technology better, I need to be able to at least have a basic ability with and understand its potential for use! I am thankful that through EDCI 336 and EDCI 352, I am being introduced to a number of new tools that allow me to get some experience with them and to start seeing their potential. This introduction also lets me see tools that I personally will use more and ones I might not use at all. They are tools, and no reason to use a hammer when you need a screwdriver.
For me, ScreenCastify felt like using a hammer when a screwdriver (Kahoot) would have been much better, but perhaps I don’t have a full grasp on ScreenCastify’s potential.
What I really enjoyed, although it was very time consuming at first as I used photos instead of video, was learning iMovie. Although my video might not be as glitzy as others, I feel pretty proud of my iMovie and all the skills I had to learn to use it. Again thanks Rich for the help!!
And here is a link to my masterpiece 🙂 – I feel like a child in primary all proud of their first art work.. a finger painting perhaps. Haha!
The Long and Winding Road – The Movie